the future

About Us

We are a visionary company inventing technologies to shape the future of work and its environment, by upscaling the scope of human potential and converging AI at work for greater impact.
We have been working in this space for the last two years and have developed our own vision, methodology, and IP to create solutions for future needs and opportunities. Through these quests, we are reaching out to the industry to engage at the grassroots level to validate our approach and line of thinking.

Our Mission

We stand for the Unique You.​ We are all about embracing human individuality and uniqueness and we are creating a solution that reveals exactly that.​

We want companies to encourage a full visibility of talents and strengths to enhance each employee’s individuality.​

The company can maximize its employees’ impact, evaluate the compatibility between the employees and their roles, and build well-balanced teams. ​We upscale the impact of your team by giving you an overview of each employee’s talents.​ We help you create a futuristic work culture that will enhance your business.
We want the UniqueYou!
We are searching for innovative individuals to work with. We want to transform the way you work.
We are always open to collaborations with other businesses with the same values. We believe that together we can achieve more.
We upscale the impact of your team by profiling each employee.
We upscale the impact of your employees by curating culture.​
We help you create a futuristic work culture that will upscale your employees’ impact. ​
Measuring contribution/ compatibility.​
Highlighting the natural abilities of each individual within your company and map the impact so they can upscale. ​
Measuring the utilizing of talent, matching teams, individuals with roles and the overall progress of the team.

Contact us

BlackSheep AI Inc. 580 California Street, 1200
San Fransisco CA 94104, USA